Polestar 1, the new performance electric car from Volvo Cars

Polestar, Volvo Car Group’s performance road car brand has unveiled the Polestar 1 and revealed its vision to be the new electric performance brand. Polestar will become a new separately-branded electric high-perfor...

325,000 Tesla Model 3 bookings in 1st week; US $ 14 billion in preorders

Tesla Motors, the US based manufacturer of electric cars, unveiled its latest vehicle, the Tesla Model 3 recently. The car was unveiled by Elon Musk, Founder and CEO of Tesla Motors in California, US. Several high n...

Tesla eyeing Indian market with small electric car

Tesla Motors, the world's most successful electric car maker is now planning to infiltrate into the Indian automotive market discreetly with its silent electric cars. According to news reports, Tesla is working on a...

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